§ 6.01.01. Schedule of District Area, Height, Bulk, and Placement Regulations  

Latest version.
  • Except as specifically provided in this Code, regulations governing the minimum zoning lot size, width and area per dwelling unit, required front, side and rear yards, maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR), maximum permitted height of structures, maximum permitted lot coverage, maximum permitted impervious surface and related matters shall be for the districts as shown in the following table:


    The standards described in this table shall be used for the purpose of establishing individual lot standards pursuant to a property's zoning. Individual lots may only be developed using these standards as a minimum to the extent it can be demonstrated in a plat or site development plan that the project as a whole does not exceed gross density as defined and regulated by the Comprehensive Plan.

    Minimum Zoning Lot Size
    Required Yard Maximum Percent
    District Lot Area (sf) Area/du Width Front Side Rear Added Yard Maximum F.A.R. Maximum Height BuildingCoverage ImperviousSurface
    Agricultural and Residential Districts
    AM 871,200 871,200 150′ 50′ 25′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    A 435,600 435,600 150′ 50′ 25′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    AR 217,800 217,800 150′ 50′ 25′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    AS-0.4 108,900 108,900 150′ 50′ 25′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    AS-1 43,560 43,560 150′ 50′ 15′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    ASC-1 43,560 43,560 150′ 50′ 15′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    AI 43,560 43,560 150′ 50′ 15′ 50′ NA NA 50′ NA NA
    RSC-2 21,780 21,780 100′ 25′ 10′ 25′ NA NA 35′ 30 NA
    RSC-3 14,520 14,520 75′ 25′ 7.5′ 25′ NA NA 35′ 32 NA
    RSC-4 10,000 10,000 75′ 25′ 7.5′ 25′ NA NA 35′ 35 NA
    RSC-6 7,000 7,000 70′ 25′ 7.5′ 25′ NA NA 35′ 40 NA
    RSC-9 5,000 5,000 50′ 20′ 5′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 40 NA
    RSC-10 4,000 4,000 40′, 50′ 15′, 5′ 5′ 15′ NA NA 35′ 55 NA
    MH as per underlying zoning district
    RDC-6 7,260 7,260 60′ 25′ 7.5′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 30 NA
    RDC-12 5&6 3,500 3,500 40′ 20′ 5′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 35 NA
    RMC-6 21,780 7,260 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 35 60
    RMC-9 14,520 4,840 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 35 70
    RMC-12 10,890 3,630 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 40 70
    RMC-16 8,175 2,725 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 45′ 40 75
    RMC-20 6,540 2,180 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 45′ 40 75
    Non-Residential Districts
    B-PO 7,000 NA 70′ 30′ 10&11 10&11 NA .20 50′ 20 60
    O-R 7,000 NA 70′ 30′ 10&11 10&11 NA .20 35′ 20 60
    C-N 7,000 NA 70′ 30′ 10&11 10&11 NA .20 35′ 20 60
    C-G 10,000 NA 75′ 30′ 10&11 10&11 NA .27 50′ 27 70
    C-I 20,000 NA 100′ 30′ 10&11 10&11 NA .30 50′ 30 75
    M 20,000 NA 100' 30' 10&11 10&11 NA .75 110 75 75
    Special Purpose Districts
    SB as per underlying zoning district and Sec. 3.01.02
    Special Public Interest Districts
    SPI-HC as per underlying zoning district unless modified by Sec. 3.01.07
    SF du 7,000 3&14 7,000 70′ 25′ 7.5′ 25′ NA NA 35′ 30 NA
    Res. ≤ 12 du/ac 10,890 3&14 3,630 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 40 70
    Res. > 12 du/ac 6,540 3&14 2,180 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 40 75
    NonRes. 7,000 NA 70′ 25′ 10&11 25′ NA .75 50 75
    NonRes. 7,000 NA 70′ 25′ 10&11 25′ NA .75 50 75
    SF du 7,000 7,000 70′ 25′ 7.5′ 25′ NA NA 35′ 30 NA
    Res. ≤ 12 du/ac 10,890 3,630 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 35′ 40 70
    Res. > 12 du/ac 6,540 2,180 7&34 70′ 25′ 10′ 20′ NA NA 40 75
    NonRes 7,000 NA 70′ 25′ 10&11 25′ NA .25 25 75
    AP-1 30,000 NA 100′ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 80
    AP-2 30,000 NA 100′ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 80
    AP-3 30,000 NA 100′ 30 10 20 NA .50 35′ NA 80
    AP-4 30,000 NA 100′ 30 10 20 NA .60 35′ NA 80
    AP-5 30,000 NA 100′ 30 10 20 NA .60 70′ NA 80
    AP-V 30,000 NA 100′ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 80
    SPI-NDM 40′
    Interstate I-75 Planned Development Districts
    Res NA 12 NA 30′ NA NA 23&15 NA 70
    Off NA NA NA 30′ NA 0.50 23&15 NA 60
    Com NA NA NA 30′ NA 0.50 23&15 NA 70
    Ind NA NA NA 30′ NA 0.50 23&15 NA 75
    Res. NA 20 NA 30′ NA NA 23&15 NA 75
    Off NA NA NA 30′ NA 1.00 23&15 NA 60
    Com NA NA NA 30′ NA 1.00 23&15 NA 70
    Ind NA NA NA 30′ NA 1.00 23&15 NA 75
    Res NA 50 NA 12′-15′ 20′ 15&26 20′ 15&26 NA NA NA 80
    Off. NA NA NA 12′-15′ 20′ 15&26 20′ 15&26 NA 2.50 NA 80
    Com NA NA NA 12′-15′ 20′ 15&26 20′ 15&26 NA 2.50 NA 80
    Ind NA NA NA 12′-15′ 20′ 15&26 20′ 15&26 NA 2.50 NA 80




    See 6.01.03 , Lots; Dimensional, Access and Related.


    Up to one-fifth of the required lot area may consist of conservation or preservation areas or other wet areas which receive density credits under the Comprehensive Plan.


    See 6.01.06 , Minimum Lot Size by Available Utility.


    For duplexes owned fee-simple. For two units on one lot, minimum zoning lot size shall be 14,520 square feet, with a minimum width of 75 feet.


    In multiple-family developments, required distances between buildings shall be determined based on 6.01.03 E and K .


    For two units on one lot, minimum zoning lot size shall be 7,000 square feet, with a minimum width of 60 feet.


    In multiple-family developments, a lot size less than the required lot size per dwelling unit shall be permitted, provided that the results of dividing the number of dwelling units within the zoning lot into the square footage of the zoning lot, at least equals the required minimum square footage per dwelling unit for the district in which the zoning lot is located. The Hillsborough County Subdivision Regulations, 6.02.00 , must be met.


    Structures with a permitted height greater than 20 feet shall be set back an additional two feet for every one foot of structure height over 20 feet. In SPI-AP-1, AP5, and AP-V this requirement applies only to in-terminal hotels/motels. The additional setback shall be added to setbacks or buffers which function as a required rear and side yard as established in the Schedule of Area, Height, Bulk and Placement Regulations. Where no buffer is required between industrial uses or districts no additional building setback shall be required.


    Required front yards along designated transportation corridors shall be measured from the corridor reservation line as established under Section 5.11.00 of this Code.


    Yards shall be as required in 6.01.03, 6.06.06, and 6.11.00 by use.


    For non-residential districts abutting residential districts, buffers shall be increased over the required buffer area one foot for very ten feet of building length over 100 feet which is adjacent to those buffers. Parking, drives and retention areas are permitted in these increased buffer areas. In lieu of this requirement, buildings with a length over 100 feet which abut residential or agricultural districts, may provide a 30-foot buffer and screening with a resulting opacity of 75 percent at least eight feet in height within two years of planting, shall consist of the following:


    A masonry wall eight feet in height and finished on all sides with brick, stone or painted/pigmented stucco; and


    Lawn. Low growing evergreen plants, evergreen ground cover, or rock mulch covering the balance of the buffer; and


    A row of evergreen shade trees which are not less than ten feet high at the time of planting, a minimum of two-inch caliper, and are spaced not more than 20 feet apart. The trees are to be planted within ten feet of the property line; or


    A masonry wall six feet in height and finished on all sides with brick, stone or painted/pigmented stucco; and


    A row of evergreen ornamental trees which are not less than eight feet high at the time of planting, a minimum of two-inch caliper, and are spaced not more than 20 feet apart; and


    A row of evergreen shade trees which are not less than ten feet high at the time of planting, a minimum of two-inch caliper, and are spaced not more than 20 feet apart. The trees are to be planted within ten feet of the property line.


    A site plan controlled zoning district shall be required for all new and expanded industrial uses located on major water bodies.


    Required front yards shall be 50 feet across when across from residentially zoned property or areas with residential land use designations based on the Comprehensive Plan.


    See 3.01.04 , SPI-UC Standards.


    For all structures with a height greater than 30 feet, setbacks shall be one additional foot for each foot of structure height over 30 feet. The additional setback shall be added to setbacks or buffers which function as a required rear and side yard as established in the Schedule of Area, Height, Bulk and Placement Regulations.


    An area equal to at least 0.20 times the land area of the parcel shall be reserved for landscaping and permeable open areas, and shall be improved and maintained accordingly. Such areas may include landscaping buffers, open vegetated yards, permeable retention areas, parking area screening, landscaped islands, mulched or vegetated play or seating areas, and areas paved with permeable paving blocks. No more than 25 percent of the required landscaped and pervious area shall be composed of permeable paving block.


    Unless the parcel fronts on a collector or arterial street, as shown on the Hillsborough County Functional Classification Map, which has a right-of-way less than 175 feet, in which case the minimum required yard shall be 50 feet.


    Unless abutting a residential district, in which case the minimum required yard shall be 75 feet.


    See 3.01.06 , SPI North Dale Mabry Standards.


    See 3.02.00 , Interstate 75 Planned Development District Categories and Boundaries.


    Eight (8) dwelling units per gross acre is the maximum permitted density in the region located between the Tampa City limits and the Pasco/Hillsborough County boundary.


    See 3.02.04 .


    See also 3.02.00 relative to development proposed to abut residential developments for specific height restrictions in IPD districts.


    Open space areas not required for parking lots or buffering shall be landscaped. Open space shall contain no more than 20 percent impervious surfaces in the form of recreational facilities, pedestrian walks, bicycle trails, or paved plazas.


    See also 3.02.00 relative to the protection of pre I75 corridor residential development that basically is suburban and the intensity "rings". Intensities for all proposed uses within a ring shall be limited to a maximum FAR of 0.30.


    Where the building exceeds 65 feet in height, the setbacks from the street shall be one additional foot for each foot of building height above 65 feet.


    The averaging of maximum permitted lot coverage may be authorized by the county Administrator. The maximum gross area for which averaging may be applied shall be a plat, or portion thereof, that is recorded in the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Office. Compliance with all administrative criteria approved by the Administrator shall be required.


    If located entirely within the P (Public) land use category of the Comprehensive Plan, a maximum FAR of 1.5 shall be permitted.


    In the AM, A, AR, AE, RES-1, Res. Planned-2, RES-2, RES-4, RES-6, RES-9, and RES-12 land use categories, the maximum F.A.R. shall be .25.


    The Administrator may approve a reduction in the required zoning setback of up to ten percent in situations where the setback is not also a buffer between incompatible uses and the trees meeting the criteria listed below can be retained by reducing the setback and adjusting the location of the principal or accessory structure(s) to be built on the site. The Administrator shall consider any adverse impacts of the setback reduction on affected properties, based on the type of development and location of existing structures.


    See Section 6.11.119 for Supplemental Standards to the RSC-10 Zoning District.


    Minimum interior lot width shall be 40 feet; Corner lots shall have a minimum lot width of 50 feet as measured along the functional front yard.


    The front yard setback may be reduced to 5 feet if the lot has a garage accessed by either a paved alley or paved private access easement in the rear of the lot. For corner lots, a maximum of one of the front yard setbacks may be reduced to 5 feet.


    To calculate density for Multi Family and F.A.R for non residential or vertically integrated mixed use development on sites that contain over 25% of the site in Areas Wetlands, the upland portion of the lot shall be multiplied by 1.25 to get the available acres for calculating project density or F.A.R, and then multiply that result by the density or F.A.R. of the Future Land Use Classification of the property {(upland acres × 1.25) × maximum density or F.A.R. of Future Land Use Classification}.

    Trees to be retained shall meet the following criteria:


    The tree(s) is of an outstanding character, size or quality for the particular species; or the tree represents one of the minimum number of trees required based on development type and area; and


    The normal canopy of the tree(s) to be retained will not be significantly altered by construction activity if the setback reduction is approved; and


    The tree(s) to be retained is of good, viable condition demonstrating a desirable canopy formation for the species.

(Ord. No. 92-23, 10-29-92; Ord. No. 94-4, § 2, 3-10-94; Ord. No. 98-43, § 2, 7-17-98; Ord. No. 99-25, § 2, 11-18-99; Ord. No. 00-21, § 2, 5-18-00; Ord. No. 02-13, § 2, 8-1-02; Ord. No. 04-27, § 2, 6-10-04; Ord. No. 05-22, § 2, 11-17-05; Ord. No. 09-53, Item L, 6-11-09, eff. 10-1-09; Ord. No. 09-62, Item G, 10-26-09, eff. 2-1-2010; Ord. No. 14-18, § 2(Exh. A)(Item IV-A)(1409471), 6-12-14, eff. 6-19-14; Ord. No. 18-3, § 2(Exh. A), 1-23-18, eff. 1-24-18)