§ 3.01.02. SB-Show Business Overlay District  

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  • A.


    This is an overlay district that is used to broaden the range of locations where show business uses may locate, while concentrating such uses near each other. The purpose of classifying land and water areas within this overlay district is to provide the opportunity for accommodation of the special needs of business and residential uses related to circus, carnival, and other show business activities; to provide opportunity for the special housing patterns needed by these business persons, within a context of suitable regulations to protect health, safety, and welfare; and to encourage grouping of those land uses having specific interrelationships with the show business activity.



    The Show Business Overlay District may be considered provided one of the following criteria has been met:


    The site is contiguous to the side yard of an existing RSB zoning, SB Overlay or PD zoning which permits show business uses.


    The site is directly across a right-of-way from an existing RSB zoning, SB Overlay or PD zoning which permits show business uses.


    The site is contiguous to the side or rear yard of an existing commercial or industrial zoning district and RSB zoning, SB overlay or PD zoning which permits show business uses exists within 200 feet of the subject site.


    The site is on a block (measured within 400 feet of the subject site along each side of the adjacent roadway) where 50 percent of the frontage or acreage is existing RSB zoning, SB Overlay or PD zoning which permits show business uses.


    The site is otherwise part of a grouping and concentration of show business zonings and/or SB overlays.


    Show business uses that are a nonconforming use of the host parcel's zoning, including such uses certified as legally nonconforming, shall not be considered when reviewing the location of proposed SB overlays.


    Special Standards

    Group Living Facilities and the repair, construction and open storage of show business sets, signs, equipment and vehicles, shall be permitted subject to the following standards:


    All Group Living Facilities shall meet the following requirements:


    Recreational vehicles shall be at least ten feet apart and 30 feet from any property boundary.


    Group Living Facilities shall meet all local health regulations for drinking water and sewage disposal.


    Group Living Facilities shall have a minimum street frontage of 50 feet.


    All Group Living Facilities shall provide internal roadways a minimum of 20 feet in width and shall be paved with a dust free surface such as asphalt, gravel, or crushed shell.


    Group Living Facilities shall be limited in density as follows. Density calculations shall include all single-family dwellings on the property.

    Comprehensive Plan Category Density
    Agricultural (Ag) 1 u/a
    Residential-1 2 u/a
    Residential-6 6 u/a
    Residential-12 12 u/a
    CMU-12 12 u/a
    All other Land Use Categories prohibited.



    All show business sets, signs, and equipment shall be owned or leased by the residents of the property and be accessory to the residential use of the property by show business personnel.


    All show business sets, signs, and equipment (including vehicles) shall meet the accessory structure regulations found in 6.11.04 except the accessory show business structure shall meet the required side yards of the R-SB district and be a minimum of five feet from the rear yard property line.


    Permitted Uses and Development Standards for Properties Zoned RSB (Not Overlay)

    Permitted uses of property zoned RSB without an underlying zoning district shall be limited to a detached single-family dwelling (conventional or manufactured), group living facility and the repair, construction and open storage of show business sets, equipment and vehicles. In addition to the above Special Standards, such property shall be subject to the following development requirements: minimum lot area, 7,000 square feet (utilities permitting); minimum lot width, 70 feet; minimum front yard, 25 feet; minimum side yard, ten feet; minimum rear yard, 25 feet; maximum lot coverage, 40 percent; and maximum building height, 30 feet, with an additional setback of two feet required for every foot of building height above 20 feet.

(Ord. No. 00-21, § 2, 5-18-00; Ord. No. 02-13, § 2, 8-1-02; Ord. No. 13-11, § 2(Exh. A)(Item A)(13-0290), 4-17-13)