§ 6.02.03. Medians, Islands, and Guard Houses  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Allowed. Medians and islands within the road rights-of-way are allowed when warranted by traffic conditions or are in conformance with the Entrance Median and Guardhouse Detail in the Transportation Technical Manual.


    Designation as Park or Recreation Area Prohibited. Medians, islands, and islands in cul-de-sacs shall not be designated as park or recreation areas.


    Landscaping. Landscaping of medians, islands, and islands in culs-de-sac shall be in compliance with the Manual on Landscaping within Hillsborough County Right-of-Way.


    Maintenance. Medians and islands shall be shown as separate parcels on the plat and annotated as follows:

    "Parcel ________ is private property and is to be maintained by the lot owners. Parcel ________ is dedicated to the lot owners and each lot owner has an undivided interest in Parcel ________."

    "Homeowners Association" may be substituted for "lot owner" in the above annotation.