§ 3.01.03. SPI-RVR: Recreational Vehicle (and Private Pleasure Craft) Residential Overlay District  

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  • A.


    It is the intent of the Recreational Vehicle (and Private Pleasure Craft) Residential Overlay District to allow either more stringent or more lenient parking or storage restrictions for recreational vehicles and private pleasure crafts on residential lots in permitted residential districts. The SPI-RVR Overlay District is intended to provide a subdivision or neighborhood of five or more acres the opportunity for additional regulations beyond what is specified below.


    Petition For Creation Of District

    The neighborhood or subdivision of at least five acres that petitions for the overlay district shall file a petition with the Administrator which shall include the following:


    A map and legal description of the area seeking the overlay district.


    A petition signed by at least 51 percent of the property owners of the bounded area seeking the overlay district along with a signed affidavit verifying the signatures of the property owners in the bounded area. Choose paragraphs 3 or 4 below:


    The petition shall reflect one or more of the following options for greater restrictions:


    No recreational vehicles or private pleasure crafts shall be parked or stored on a residential lot (except in an enclosed structure).


    Recreational vehicles or private pleasure crafts of any size shall only be parked or stored to the rear of the front building line.


    Recreational vehicles or private pleasure crafts shall only be parked or stored in the rear yard.


    Recreational vehicles or private pleasure crafts greater than 20 feet in length are prohibited to be parked or stored anywhere on a residential lot.


    Recreational vehicles or private pleasure crafts greater than 25 feet in length are prohibited to be parked or stored anywhere on a residential lot.


    All recreational vehicles or private pleasure crafts over ten feet in length shall be parked or stored only in the rear yard and shall be set back ten feet from the side and rear property lines.


    The petition shall reflect one or more of the following options for a more lenient restriction:


    On lots less than one acre, two recreational vehicles, private pleasure crafts or a combination thereof, may be parked or stored on a residential lot outside of an enclosed structure.


    (A) recreational vehicle(s) or private pleasure craft(s) may be parked or stored anywhere on a residential lot as long as the vehicle is five feet from any side or front property line(s).


    (A) recreational vehicle(s) or private pleasure craft(s) may be parked or stored anywhere on a residential lot as long as the vehicle is five feet from any front property line(s).


    (A) recreational vehicle(s) or private pleasure craft(s) greater than 20 feet in length may be parked or stored in the front yard driveway or parallel parking area as long as the vehicle is ten feet or more from the front and side property lines.




    A Special Public Interest (SPI-RVR) district shall be heard and processed in the same manner as a rezoning petition. (See Part 10.03.00.)


    A processing fee as set by the Board of County Commissioners for review of the petition.