§ 11.06.01. Generally  

Latest version.
  • A.

    What Constitutes Violation

    Whenever, by the provisions of this Code, the performance of any act is required, or the performance of any act is prohibited, or whenever any regulation or limitation is imposed on the use or development of any land or water, or on the erection of a structure, a failure to comply with such provisions shall constitute a violation of this Code.


    Parties Responsible

    Any owner, tenant, or occupant of any land or structure, or part thereof, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent, or other person, firm, or corporation, either individually or through its agents, employees, or independent contractor, [who] violates the provisions of this Code, or who participates in, assists, directs, creates, or maintains any situation that is contrary to the requirements of this Code, shall be held responsible for the violation and be subject to the penalties and remedies provided herein or as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance.


    Enforcing Authorities

    The provisions of this Code shall be enforced as follows:


    By the Hillsborough County Code Enforcement Board pursuant to the authority granted by F.S. § 162.01 et seq., and Chapter 14, Article II, Hillsborough County Code of Ordinances, Part A;


    By the Board of County Commissioners through its authority to enjoin and restrain any person violating the Code; or


    By Hillsborough County through the prosecution of violations in the name of the State of Florida pursuant to the authority granted by Sec. 125.69, Fla. Stat.


    Right to Inspect

    The Administrator shall have the right to inspect those lands, water uses, or structures affected by this Code and to issue citations for violations.


    Relationship to Other Laws

    Violations of this Land Development Code may also constitute violations of other state or local regulations. Penalties assessed or remedies taken under this Land Development Code shall not be deemed to represent or substitute for enforcement mechanisms or penalties available under such other laws or regulations.


    The remaining sections of Part 11.06.00 are not applicable to any notice of violation, citation, order or determination made by a Code Inspector, as defined in this Code and in the Board of County Commissioners' Policies. However, all notices of violation, citations, orders and determinations made by a Code Inspector must comply with F.S. Ch. 162, as amended, and Hillsborough County Ordinance #05-5, as amended.

(Ord. No. 07-24, § 2, 11-1-07; Ord. No. 15-32, § 2(Exh. A) (15-1269), 12-8-15, eff. 12-14-15)