§ 6.11.07. Affordable Housing Development  

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  • A.

    General Standards


    Affordable housing shall be reviewed by the Administrator to determine if it is affordable. That review shall require the following affirmative findings by staff.


    The development shall have 20 percent or more of the dwelling units available to households with gross incomes at or below 80 percent of the median income adjusted for family size, consistent with annually adjusted Department of Housing and Urban Development income guidelines.


    Affordability shall be based on gross family income being below 80 percent of median income adjusted for family size.


    There shall be adequate assurances (e.g., deed restrictions or restrictive covenants) that the housing will remain affordable housing over a period of 15 years.


    Affordable Housing Development Standards

    To take advantage of the increased flexibility provided affordable housing projects the following development standards shall apply:


    The development shall use single family detached dwelling units where the minimum lot size is 7,000 square feet or more. Where the minimum lot size is less than 7,000 square feet, then single family detached, single family zero lot line, duplex, triplex, quadraplex, townhouse or multi-family units shall be permitted.


    For developments on lots of 5,000 square feet or more the standard district setbacks shall apply.


    For development on lots of less than 5,000 square feet a minimum ten-foot front yard setback shall be maintained except that garages shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet. There shall be a minimum building spacing of ten feet. There shall be a minimum 20-foot rear yard setback.


    The minimum building setback from adjoining residential parcels shall be equal to the largest yard setback (front, rear, or side) required by the zoning of the adjoining property.


    The minimum lot size or area per dwelling unit shall meet the requirements of 6.01.02, Schedule of Residential Density and Open Space Regulations for Affordable Housing Development except as otherwise provided in this Code.


    The development may use single family detached, single family zero lot line, duplex, triplex, quadraplex, atrium, townhouse or multi-family units.


    In no case shall the administrative review involve the appropriateness of the affordable housing unit to the neighborhood's character.


    Density Bonus


    If an affordable housing project is proposed as a site planned controlled zoning and meets the affordable housing qualifying criteria listed above and as established in the Comprehensive Plan, and as further qualified below (project plan), the project may receive affordable housing density and/or FAR bonuses. The increases in density and/or intensity which may be achieved are established in the Comprehensive Plan under Affordable Housing Bonuses. Such site planned controlled projects shall establish specific lot sizes, setbacks and dwelling unit types and shall be exempt from meeting the standard district setback requirements. However, the minimum setback standards established above for development on less than 5,000 square foot lots shall apply.


    To further clarify the qualifying criteria established within the Comprehensive Plan for the Project Plan option, the specific Comprehensive Plan criteria is first listed and then the terminology is defined as follows:


    The surrounding area must be fully or partially developed and contain inplace infrastructure and public facilities which will meet the public facilities and service needs of existing and proposed residential development. A distance of three miles shall be used to define the surrounding area.


    The surrounding area must contain two or more of the following conditions warranting the repair or rehabilitation of existing housing, and/or development of additional affordable housing units. A distance of one mile shall be used to define the surrounding area.


    Evidence that existing resident households of very low, low, and/or moderate income comprise a reasonable percentage of the total existing neighborhood population, along with evidence of need, on the part of some of these households, for affordable housing assistance. A 20 percent minimum shall be used to define a reasonable percentage. A 20 percent minimum shall be used to define the term some.


    The subject area is close to a significant economic development project which will provide employment opportunities for proposed project residents. A distance of three miles shall be used to define the term close. A significant economic development project shall represent a compact employment center which may contain any grouping of nonresidential uses which provides a minimum of 200 jobs.


    Mass transit services must be available within a reasonable distance of the project site. A distance of one mile shall be used to define a reasonable distance.


    Redevelopment of Mobile Home Parks


    Where mobile home parks in the Urban Service Area have lawfully permitted densities that exceed the density permitted by the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element, such parks may be redeveloped with affordable housing at the same density with any housing type pursuant to the requirements of this Section and connection to public water and wastewater services. Such projects shall be exempt from the Density Bonus qualifying criteria stated above.

(Ord. No. 00-21, § 2, 5-18-00; Ord. No. 02-13, § 2, 8-1-02; Ord. No. 18-30, § 2(Exh. A), 10-11-18, eff. 10-18-18)