§ 6.11.04. Accessory Structures  

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  • A.


    Accessory structures shall conform to the following regulations, except as may otherwise be provided in this Code. Accessory structures do not include accessory dwellings as regulated by this Code. Accessory structures shall not be utilized for living or sleeping purposes, including guest visits, at any time.



    Accessory structures shall not exceed 15 feet in height, except 1) where the accessory structure meets the primary structure setback of the district, in which case the maximum height of the accessory structure may be that of the district, or 2) accessory agricultural structures such as barns and silos (See subsection D below).




    Accessory structures shall not be erected in any required front yard except as outlined in 4., 6., 7. and 8. below. Accessory structures shall be permitted in front yards at twice the depth of the required front yard, or 50 feet, whichever is less. (See Figure 6.2.). Such structures shall not occupy required side yards.


    Accessory structures may occupy required side yards provided that such structures are more distant from the street than any part of the principal building on the same lot and any lot abutting said required side yard; provided, however, that such accessory structures are not closer than three feet from any side lot line, including architectural features such as cornices, eaves and gutters.


    Accessory structures may occupy required rear yards provided that such structures do not occupy more than 20 percent of the required rear yard, excepting swimming pools and swimming pool screened structures (See 6.11.94), and are not closer than three feet to any rear lot line.


    On any corner lot no part of any accessory structure shall be located in the required front yards except where one front yard functions as a side yard. On these lots, accessory structures shall be permitted to intrude up to ten feet into the required front yard functioning as a side yard. In zoning districts which require side yards greater than ten feet, the permitted intrusion shall be increased up to a distance equal to said required side yard. The intrusion is measured from the required yard line, toward the street.


    Additionally, on corner lots which do not have a required rear yard, accessory structures may be located in the functional rear yard (the area behind what is designed to be the rear of the house) provided the accessory structures meets all other requirements.


    Through lots may have accessory structures located in the front yard that functions as a rear yard provided that any accessory use or structure of a height greater than two feet shall be screened from the rear street by:


    A solid six-foot fence or wall or;


    A four-foot hedge which will achieve a height of six feet within two years of planting with 75 percent opacity or;


    Shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the front yard which functions as a rear yard.


    On commercial sites that have a required buffer wall along a collector or arterial roadway, accessory structures or uses may be permitted in the required front yard behind the buffer wall. Said structure or use shall be located a minimum of three feet from the affected front lot line.


    The retail display of children's outdoor play structures, such as swing sets, slides and jungle gyms, which are too large to move indoors during non-business hours shall be permitted in the required front yard of property zoned for retail commercial uses, provided the structures are a maximum of 15 feet in height and the display area is buffered from road rights-of-way in accordance with Article VI, as if it were an off-street vehicular use area. In such cases, the displays shall be limited to structures which serve only as models for the placement of orders for new units and are not sold as inventory themselves.


    Agricultural Structures

    Accessory agricultural structures shall not be limited to a maximum height, but shall be set back from the zoning lot line as follows:


    An agricultural accessory structure 15 feet or less in height shall be located a minimum of three feet away from the side and rear zoning lot line and shall not be located in a required front yard.


    An agricultural accessory structure over 15 feet up to 51 feet in height shall be set back a minimum of one additional foot from the side and rear zoning lot line (in addition to the requirements of paragraph 1 immediately above) for every three feet of increased height up to 51 feet. Therefore an agricultural accessory structure 45 feet in height shall be located a minimum of 13 feet from the zoning lot line. Said agricultural accessory structure shall not be located in a required front yard.


    An agricultural accessory structure over 51 feet in height shall be set back from the side and rear yard an additional (in addition to the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 immediately above) one foot for every foot of increased height over 51 feet. Therefore an agricultural accessory structure 80 feet in height shall be located a minimum of 44 feet from the zoning lot line. Said agricultural accessory structure shall not be located in a required front yard.


    Chickee Hut (a.k.a. Chiki Hut or Tiki Hut)

    Chickee Huts may be erected in accordance with the following regulations and provisions:


    Qualified chickee or chiki huts are not exempt from site development regulations and review.


    An accessory structure intended to qualify as a chickee or chiki hut must be reviewed for consistency with the regulations of this section and Florida Statutes. The following information must be submitted for review:


    A site plan or survey that includes scaled dimensions of the proposed structure including setbacks;


    Proof that the builder is a member of either the Miccosukee or Seminole Indian Tribes of Florida. This shall be a copy of the tribal member's identification card.


    Drawings or images of the proposed structure indicating the open design, roof materials, and height.


    Chickee or chiki huts in single-family and single-family/ two-family dwelling residential and agricultural zoning districts shall meet the location requirements for accessory structures within Section 6.11.04.C and D above.


    Although accessory structures, the location of chickee huts in multi-family residential, mixed use, commercial, and industrial zoning districts shall shall be in accordance with all principal building setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. In addition, the proposed structure must be located a minimum of 25 feet from the principal building(s) on the property and from another such structure.




    The square foot area of the chickee or chiki hut shall be determined from the dimensions taken from inside the support posts, provided the roof overhang does not exceed three feet. For those structures that are supported by a single pole (i.e. umbrella shape), the area measurements shall be taken from the drip line of the roof materials.

(Ord. No. 00-21, § 2, 5-18-00; Ord. No. 01-30, § 2, 11-15-01; Ord. No. 03-9, § 2, 6-5-03; Ord. No. 08-29, § 2, eff. 2-1-09; Ord. No. 09-62, Item F, 10-26-09, eff. 2-1-2010)