§ 6.11.02. Accessory Dwelling Standards  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The accessory dwelling shall be located on a conforming residential lot. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in a Planned Development, a minimum lot area of 7,000 square feet shall be required.


    The residential lot shall be occupied by a principal detached single-family dwelling that is owner occupied. These requirements shall not be varied.


    Living space in the accessory dwelling shall be limited to a maximum of 900 square feet. A variance to increase this amount may be requested provided the residential lot is at least 14,520 square feet in size and the living space proposed for the accessory dwelling does not exceed 1,200 square feet or 25 percent of the living space in the principal dwelling on the lot, whichever is less. For purposes of this regulation, living space shall include all areas within the dwellings utilized for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, bathing, washing, sanitation, laundry and storage purposes. Notwithstanding, living space shall not include motor vehicle garages and attics, provided such areas are not conditioned and are utilized solely for parking and storage purposes, and covered patios as defined by this Code. Living space shall be measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls.


    The accessory dwelling may be a detached structure or attached to the principal single-family dwelling on the lot.


    The accessory dwelling shall meet principal building setbacks and shall contribute to lot building coverage. Total building coverage on the lot shall not exceed district standards.


    The accessory dwelling may be located above a detached garage or other accessory structure only where the principal dwelling on the lot has two or more stories. In such case, the accessory dwelling may meet accessory structure setbacks rather than principal structure setbacks.


    The accessory dwelling shall be located on the same lot as the principal dwelling. No more than one accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted on the lot. These requirements shall not be varied.


    Any detached structure, or any portion of a structure or dwelling that cannot be accessed internally from within the structure or dwelling, which does not meet the requirements for an accessory dwelling as described in this Code shall not be utilized for living or sleeping purposes, including guest visits, at any time. This restriction shall not be varied.

(Ord. No. 06-18, § 2, 8-1-06; Ord. No. 06-34, § 2(Exh. A), 11-2-06; Ord. No. 07-18, § 2, 7-19-07, eff. 10-1-07; Ord. No. 08-29, § 2, eff. 2-1-09)