§ 6.08.05. Freestanding Flagpoles

Latest version.
  • Freestanding flagpoles may exceed the maximum structure height permitted by this Code provided the pole is not located in a single-family or two-family residential district or on property zoned SPI-AP, poses no restriction or interference with air traffic associated with any existing or proposed airport, and does not exceed 50 feet in height in multi-family residential districts and 150 feet in height in other districts. Flagpoles erected prior to February 1, 2011 that do not conform to these district height limits shall be deemed legally nonconforming to this Code, provided they do not pose a hazard to aviation. However, this nonconformity status shall have no bearing on the applicability of Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Airport Zoning Regulations. Flagpole location is regulated by Section 6.01.03.I.9 of this Code.

(Ord. No. 10-26, § 2, Exh. A(10-0743), eff. 2-11-11)