§ 6.04.07. Table: Minimum Spacing  

Latest version.
    CLASS 1 (See Federal Highway Administration and FDOT Requirements)
    Roadway providing for high speed, high volume traffic movement serving interstate, interregional and intercity needs as well as some intracity travel. These roadways do not provide direct property connections.
    CLASS 2
    A specially protected corridor distinguished by an extensive existing or planned system of access roads and restrictive median treatments. >45 mph 1320 ft ≤45 mph 660 ft >45 mph 1320 ft ≤ 45 mph 660' >45 mph 2640 ft ≤ 45 mph 1320 ft
    CLASS 3
    New and existing roadways primarily in areas without extensive development or extensive subdivided properties. These corridors will be distinguished by existing or desired restrictive median treatments. Two lane highways with a desired high degree of access management should also be included. >45 mph 660 ft ≤45 mph 330 ft >45 mph 1320 ft ≤45 mph 660 ft >45 mph 2640 ft ≤45 mph 1320 ft
    CLASS 4
    New and existing roadways primarily in areas without extensive development or extensive subdivided properties. These corridors will be distinguished by nonrestrictive median treatments or highways with two-way left turn lanes. >45 mph 660 ft≤45 mph 330 ft N.A. N.A.
    CLASS 5
    Existing roadways primarily in areas with moderate or extensive development or where the land is extensively subdivided. These corridors will be distinguished by existing or desired restrictive median treatments. >45 mph 330 ft ≤ 45 mph 245 ft All Speeds 660 ft >45 mph 1320 ft ≤ 45 mph 660 ft
    CLASS 6
    Existing roadways primarily in areas with extensive development or where the land is extensively subdivided. These corridors will be distinguished by existing or expected non restrictive medians, such as an undivided two or four lane highway or multi-lane highways with two-way left turn lanes. >45 mph 330 ft ≤45 mph 245 ft N.A. N.A.
    CLASS 7
    Subdivision roads and all other local roadways functioning as subdivision roads. TYPE I = 10 ft
    Type II = 50 ft
    (<5000 vpd*)
    175 ft (≥ 5000 vpd*)
    ALL SPEEDS 330 ft ALL SPEEDS 330 ft
    March 1, 1991 Type III =50 ft
    (<5000 vpd*)
    250 ft
    (≥ 5000 vpd*)
    * refers to volume on adjacent roadway




    Access road systems in Access Class 2 assumes the provision of an access road system or adequate internal property circulation through existing or new public and private roads in transportation and comprehensive plans and through local land development regulations.


    Minimum connection and directional median spacing openings specified here may not be adequate if extensive right or left-turn storage is required. Greater distances may be required to provide sufficient site-specific storage.


    Connections and median openings on the public roadway system located up to ¼ mile from an interchange area or up to the first intersection with an arterial roadway, whichever distance is less, shall be regulated to protect the safety and operational efficiency of the limited access facility and the interchange area. The ¼ mile distance shall be measured from the end of the taper of the ramp furthest from the interchange.


    The distance to the first connection shall be at least 660 feet where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph or 440 feet where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less. The distance will be measured from the end of the taper for the particular quadrant of the interchange. If the above connection spacing cannot be provided, a single connection per property will be provided if no other reasonable access to the property exists and the issuing authority determines that the connection does not create a safety, operational or weaving hazard.


    The minimum distance to the first median opening shall be at least 1,320 feet as measured from the end of the taper of the egress ramp.


    Connections and median openings meeting the above spacing standards still may not be permitted in the location requested in the permit application, when the issuing authority determines, based on traffic engineering principles, that the safety or operation of the interchange or the limited access highway would be adversely affected.

(Ord. No. 00-21, § 2, 5-18-00; Ord. No. 08-15, § 2, 6-12-08, eff. 10-1-08)