§ 6.03.09. Public Transit Facilities  

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  • A.


    Public transit facilities including pedestrian circulation systems and pathways to public transit facilities shall be provided as established with each threshold listed below. Such facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Section 9, Transit Friendly Planning and Transportation Technical Manual for Subdivisions and Site Development Projects and Americans with Disabilities Act Standards.



    Public transit facilities shall be provided on sites meeting the threshold requirements and located on public transit corridors or planned corridors as listed in the Long Range Transportation Plan, and based on the frequency and location criteria in Section 9, Transit Friendly Planning and Design Standards of the Hillsborough County TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL MANUAL for Subdivisions and Site Development Projects.


    Development thresholds and required facilities.


    Developments greater than 500,000 square feet or 1,000 living units shall provide the following shelter protected space that is suitable for waiting out of inclement weather throughout the transit service period as approved by the County and HART.


    A major transit stop shall be provided adjacent to a main entrance in the case of a retail mall or near an anchor tenant in other cases.


    Provide separate bus loading/unloading areas segregated from automobile traffic with the number to be decided by the developer and HART based upon the adopted MPO Long-Range Transportation Plan.


    A bus staging area where buses stop to load and unload passengers shall be provided onsite, the location of which shall be agreed upon by the developer and HART prior to the time of preliminary site plan approval or construction plan approval if the preliminary site process is waived.


    Developments of 500 to 1,000 residential units and non-residential and mixed use developments of 200,000 square feet to 500,000 square feet shall provide the following:


    Bus bay.


    Transit accessory pad including the following: shelter, seating, trash receptacles, and bicycle rack.


    Non-residential developments of 50,000 to 100,000 square feet shall provide the following:


    A transit accessory pad including: shelter, seating, trash receptacle, and bicycle rack.


    Non-residential developments of 50,000 to 100,000 square feet shall provide the following:


    Transit accessory pad including: seating, trash receptacle, and bicycle rack.


    Non-residential development or single- or multi-tenant office buildings of less than 50,000 square feet shall provide the following:


    Pedestrian and bicycle connections.


    If determined by the Administrator and Hartline that the public transit facilities are not needed for a project, either in whole or in part, the Administrator may waive the public transit facilities requirement.

(Ord. No. 14-3, § 2(Exh. A), (Item IV-A), (13-0719), 1-30-14, eff. 2-6-14)