§ 6.02.08. Sidewalks  

Latest version.
  • A.

    General. Sidewalks shall be required in all land use categories, where necessary to provide for safe pedestrian circulation.

    Public sidewalks and public sidewalk curb ramps shall conform to the current Transportation Technical Manual.




    External. External sidewalks shall be located on streets adjacent to a subdivision. Sidewalks shall be constructed on the subdivision side of an existing street or streets from boundary to boundary of the subdivision and shall extend to the edge of the adjacent roadways. In the event that the County has roadway improvements scheduled within two years adjacent to the proposed subdivision, the County shall not require construction of sidewalks within its right-of-way. However, the developer shall be required to provide funds for the cost of sidewalk construction to the Capital Improvement Project Pseudo Code. The sidewalks shall be constructed prior to final acceptance of the Improvement Facilities. The subdivider shall be responsible for the construction of sidewalks.


    Internal (Buildable Lots). Prior to release of Certificates of Occupancy, sidewalks along buildable lots shall be constructed in the right-of-way along the entire width of the lot. The developer/builder shall be responsible for the construction of sidewalks for each individual lot(s).


    Internal (Other). Sidewalks along unbuildable lots, common areas, and stormwater ponds shall be constructed prior to final acceptance of the Improvement Facilities. The subdivider shall be responsible for the construction of sidewalks.



    Sidewalks shall be constructed on each side of internal subdivision streets, except as follows:


    Where a proposed street forms an exterior boundary to the subdivision.


    Where the proposed subdivision is to be an Office Park, Research Corporate Park, or Industrial Park, as defined in the Land Development Code.


    In Affordable Housing developments where sidewalks are required on only one side of internal subdivision streets.


    In rural subdivisions with lots of a minimum of one acre in size, sidewalks are required on only one side of the internal subdivision streets.

(Ord. No. 97-18, § 2, 12-18-97; Ord. No. 04-27, § 2, 6-10-04)