§ 4.01.15. Restoration Fund  

Latest version.
  • A.


    The purpose of the Restoration Fund is to provide an alternative to the onsite restoration of trees or other vegetation which have been removed from a site. Funds received through the Restoration Fund shall be utilized for acquiring, planting, protecting, and maintaining trees and other vegetation for public purposes within Hillsborough County. Trees and other vegetation acquired shall be suitable to the site conditions, freeze tolerant, and representative of the surrounding plant ecology. Monies contributed may be used to establish matching fund programs. The Administrator shall coordinate the collection and disbursement of funds in accordance with the provisions of this section.


    Source of Funds

    Restoration Fund monies may consist of the following:


    All monies collected pursuant to the penalties outlined in Section 11.06.05.


    All monies contributed in lieu of or as part of any requirement to replace trees.


    All monies accruing as interest to the Restoration Fund, unless otherwise restricted by specific terms and conditions identified by a particular grant, gift, or other instrument of contribution.