§ 4.01.12. Onsite Preservation  

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  • A.

    Site Selection

    Where alternative onsite preservation sites exist within a development, the site or sites selected for onsite preservation shall be the best suited to likely maintain a viable population or natural plant community(ies). The selection shall be based upon the following:


    Protectability and manageability of the site;


    The size and shape of the site. Emphasis should be on not creating enclaves of development or areas fragmented by development; and, as specified in the Significant Wildlife Habitat Guidelines and Listed Species Guidelines set forth in the Development Review Manual, on providing, where appropriate, adequate buffers from the secondary impacts of development and adequate wildlife corridors.


    The contiguity of the site with significant or essential wildlife habitat offsite;


    The existing species population sizes at the site;


    The life history requirements of the species involved;


    The proximity and accessibility of the site to other populations of the same species; and


    The compatibility of preservation of the site with adjacent land uses.


    Preservation Methods


    Onsite preservation, including the establishment of any required buffers, shall be accomplished through the designation of the preserved areas as Conservation Area or Preservation Area, as appropriate, on all development plans and plats. (See definition of environmentally sensitive areas.)


    Additionally, the applicant shall submit, or request the Administrator to assist in the preparation of, a management plan for the area to be preserved. The management plan shall ensure the continued, adequate and appropriate management of the site and the continued protection of the site from adverse impacts, including the secondary impacts of development, in accordance with the Habitat Management Guidelines or Listed Species Guidelines in the Development Review Manual. The management plan shall designate management responsibility. At the option of the landowner, habitat management shall be the landowner's responsibility or the responsibility of Hillsborough County, or of any other land conservation agency or organization that accepts the responsibility in lieu Hillsborough County. The management plan shall be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a Natural Resources Permit.


    A landowner may request that Hillsborough County accept a transfer of title (by sale or donation) for the preserved area or a dedication of a conservation easement over the preserved area provided that any conservation easement offered by the landowner meets the requirements of Section 704.06, F.S.