§ 4.01.11. Natural Preserves  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Land owned by the public or by a private, non-profit conservation organization and held for natural preservation purposes shall be protected from any adjacent development that would adversely impact the lands or interfere with the stated habitat management and conservation use objectives of that property, including prescribed burning.


    For development proposed adjacent to a publicly owned natural preserve, compatibility shall be ensured through a project compatibility plan, reviewed and approved by the agency managing the publicly owned lands and required as a condition of granting a Natural Resources Permit. The project compatibility plan shall be proposed by the developer and approved by the managing agency during the development review process. The preparation of a project compatibility plan should be a cooperative effort between the agency managing the publicly owned land and the developer of the adjacent property.


    For development proposed adjacent to a private, nonprofit natural preserve, compatibility shall be ensured through a project compatibility plan, reviewed and approved by the Administrator and required as a condition of granting the Natural Resources Permit. In its review of the project compatibility plan, the Administrator shall consider the recommendations of the private, non-profit conservation organization holding title to the land. The project compatibility plan shall be proposed by the developer and approved during the development review process. The preparation of a project compatibility plan should be a cooperative effort between the nonprofit conservation organization holding title to the natural preserve and the developer of the adjacent property.