§ 3.02.07. Rezonings and Development Orders Expressly Conditioned Upon Application of I-75 Standards

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  • A.

    Application of Special Condition

    Several projects will have been rezoned or will have received final development approval in anticipation of and prior to the effective date of the I-75 Corridor Performance Standards. Express conditions placed upon these rezonings or incorporated into development orders require developers to comply with I-75 Standards in the development of any portions of these projects where application for detailed site plan certification or final plat approval occurs after the new standards are formally adopted. If any other conditions conflict with these new I-75 Standards, the new Standards shall be deemed to apply.


    Waiver of Special Condition

    This express condition, approved by each of the applicants, also provides for an administrative process, including a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners, in which a developer must show that significant impairment or significant alteration of the design or character of the project would result from certain of the applicable I-75 Standards. Any developer who wishes to initiate this administrative process shall file an application under the Procedures for Amendment to Zoning Atlas (Rezoning) at 10.03.00. The developer's application shall include an alternative mitigative strategy as a waiver from the strict requirements of those specific performance Standards which the Applicant claims would cause the significant impairment or significant alteration.